Sep 11, 2024
30 stories
Tackling something different is a learning experience.
A sensitive story for our time.
Mueenuddin shows us multiple glimpses of Pakistan.
Sometimes we know the accused is guilty, but we can't prove it.
Swisher is an interesting character.
Larson is a great writer, and this book gives us two great stories.
Guy Tal's book deserves multiple readings.
A bit contrived, but a good read.
Deaths shake us, but it is helpful to realize how normal they are.
Julieanne Kost is a fantastic photographer.
Perhaps the most helpful book you will ever read.
A helpful book for all of us.
Not to be taken too literally.
Mar 17, 2023
A beautiful book with more insights into Hockney's creativity.
I think secrets are overrated in novels, but this story held my attention.
Barbara Combs Lee's book Finish Strong is an important book for all of us.
Jul 11, 2022
A compelling story of one woman's courageous journey to wellness.